Barking Up the Right Tree for a Greener Tomorrow

$ Green Dog

Green Dog: Leading the Pack in Eco-Sustainability.





50% of total supply burnt.


30% Product Development and Innovation

25% Community and Educational Initiatives

25% Community and Educational Initiatives

15% Operational Costs

5% Partnerships and Collaborations

5% Contingency and Emergency Fund


Greate marketing, advertising and collaboration with influencers.

Some of features

Eco-Friendly Products
Community Engagement Programs
Renewable Energy Solutions
Sustainable Education

About us

$ Emer

At Green Dog, we're dedicated to creating a more sustainable and eco-friendly future. Our mission is to integrate environmental consciousness into everyday life.

We do this by developing innovative products and solutions that are not only beneficial for the planet but also convenient and accessible for individuals and communities. Our team is a diverse group of environmentalists, engineers, and entrepreneurs, all passionate about making a real difference in the fight against climate change.